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AAAAA Hygienic Review Volume 02, 1940 - 1941


VOLUME 2: 9/1940 • Bronchitis • Autumn Living • Neuralgia • Correct Food Combining Preparation • Exercise & The Heart


10/1940 • Neuritis • Organic Unity • Mixing Acids with Proteins • Socialized Medicine • Nurse Killed


11/1940 • Infantile Paralysis • Gluttony • Allergy • Diagnosis • Sleep • Precision


12/1940 • Colds • Migraine • The Truth about Healing • Hunger Pains • Orthopathy


1/1941 • Bright’s Disease • Dyspepsia • Care of Wounds • The Sixth Column • Alcohol


2/1941 • Fasting VS. Eliminating Diets • Natural Diet • Palliation • Tobacco VS. Longevity • War & Health


3/1941 • Nervous Children • Weight Lifting • Habits & Health • Cause & “Hygiene Cure” of Tuberculosis • Reform VS. Cure


4/1941 • A Great Shame • Carbuncles & Furuncles • Does Fasting “Cure” Disease? • Nicotinism


5/1941 • Hard Arteries • Skin Disease • Gall Stones • Medical Dictatorship


6/1941 • Asthma • Prostatic Troubles • Medical Sabotage • Why Drugs Are Harmful


7/1941 • The New Tyranny • Enlarged Glands • Rearing Superior Children • Health First • Truth about Vaccination & Smallpox


8/1941 • Varicose Veins • Permanent Health • What Killed Gehrig? • Moderation & Excess • The Fat Disease