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AAAAA Hygienic Review Volume 34, 1972 - 1973


VOLUME 34: 9/1972 • The Growing Peril of Relief • The Cause of Disease • Government Fostered Drug Addiction • Some Thoughts on Life • There’s Nothing Left to Eat • Random Thoughts on Bionomy • Report of The Hygienic Convention • Convention Echoes • The End of an Era • The Basis of Unity • Unsubstantiated Claims • Natural Hygiene Observer


10/1971 • Nuclear Reactors, A Hazard to Your Life • Chemical Additives in the Non-Hygienic Diet • A New President • It Is God That Heals • The Laws of Life • Superior Motherhood • On Being Diagnosed • Natural Hygiene Observer • Structure & Action • The Escape from Gehenna • Reforming The Unreformable • Miracles


11/1971 • Constructive Phases of the Fast • Don’t Be Fooled • Eradicating Drug Addiction • Human Life • The Fasting Controversy • What! No Gout! • Fasting Goes to Jail • Compulsory Fluoridation • When Hygiene Died • Natural Hygiene Observer • Snubbed • We Walked Along Together • Acupuncture — an Old Cure


12/1971 • What Not to Do When You Have a Cold • The Pot Calling The Kettle “Black” • Remedial Action • Killing Asthmatics to Cure Them • Myriads of Causes of Cancer • Natural But Not Wholesome • Real Risk Outweighs Fictional Pleasure • “Water, Water, Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Drink!” • Natural Hygiene Observer • Fumes of Fire & Brimstone • Suppression Evils • Adolescent Pimples • A Gift of Love


1/1972 • Hypoglycemia — New Name For Old Symptoms • Time to Stop • What Symptoms to Expect When You Improve Your Diet • The Hallucination of Stimulation • What Not to Do When You Have a Cold • Preventing Disease by Producing Disease • Natural Hygiene Observer • Wrecking Women’s Lives • Surgical Patchwork, a Failure • War & Drugs • It’s Better for Adults, Too


2/1972 • The Passing of Oscar Floyd — A Great Hygienic Leader! • “I Give You Herbert M. Shelton” • The Revolution Needed • Some Thoughts on Acupuncture • Stop The World — I Want to Quit Natural Hygiene • The Unknown Common Denominator • Rambling Reminiscences • Profits & Your Health • Escape • Miracles… or Hope? • Natural Hygiene Observer • Boo! See Your Physician! • Lower Death Rate When Killing Is Stopped • The London Flu – What To Do?


3/1972 • Truth VS. Superstition • One Hygienist’s Opinion on Surgery for Cancer • The Cause of Disease • Hallucinatory Drugs & Religion • The Growth of Drug Poisoning • Mustard Oil • Salt Eating Pernicious • Some Condiment Fallacies Exploded • The Basis of Normal Blood Pressure • Exercise, A Remedial Measure • The Evolution of Pathology


4/1972 • Poisoning The Wellsprings of Life • President’s Message to the Members of The American Natural Hygiene Society • Heart Attacks – Can We Avoid Them? • The Hygienic Etiology • Health Education VS. Treatment • The Unity of Normal & Abnormal Processes • Natural Hygiene Observer • Evolution of Pathology • Protein in the Diet


5/1972 • An Urgent Need • Whose Responsibility? • What’s in a Name? • Fears of Fasting • Catching Disease • A Vital Hygienic Principle • Getting Well & Keeping Well • There Are No Sudden Deaths • Dietary Follies • Hobgoblins in the Faster’s Menu • The Slaughter of the Innocents • Killing Them to Cure Them • The Menace of State Medicine • Shall We Quit?


6/1972 • Pertinent Facts about Inoculations • A National Headache • Laws of Life • Smallpox Scares • The End of the Drug System • Man’s Pristine Majesty • Hygiene Consciousness Needed • Amphetamines & Cerebral Hemorrhage • What Is “a Drug”? • The Teeth Don’t Lie • Feeding Infants • “Adverse Reactions” • A Letter


7/1972 • Purgatives • He’s a Sick Man! • Physiological Behavior of Drugs • Disease Is Remedial Activity • Health & Disease • Formula for Living • A Hygienic College • Thomas Jefferson’s Opinion of Medicine • Constipation & Its Aids • The Modern Stomach • Fasting for Health • Protein Theories Challenged • A Valid System


8/1972 • There’s a Tiger In Your Tank! Or Is It a Rodent? • Your Protein Supply • Learn to Respect Your Limitations • Pasteur’s Folly • So You Want to Have Cancer! • No Teas for the Hygienist • They Hurt the Young, Also • Placebos & Faith