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AAAAA Hygienic Review Volume 36, 1974 - 1975


VOLUME 36: 9/1974 • Natural Hygiene — No Substitute • How Good Are Medical Diagnoses & Prognoses? • How to Overcome Temptation, Undesirable Thoughts & Emotions — Instantaneously • Symbiotic Gardening • Getting the Most Out of Hygiene • Announcing the Establishment of a Hygienic Community • Natural Hygiene Observer • Helpful Hygienic Hints • From the Book: Please Don’t Smoke in Our House


10/1974 • Rather Than Hemodialysis & Kidney Transplants • First Principles • Does True Love Still Exist? • An Oscar for the Performances of Life • 1974 Natural Hygiene Convention Report • Your Probing Mind • From the Book: Please Don’t Smoke in Our House


11/1974 • The Elements of Beauty • Appreciation of Beauty • Your Probing Mind • Taking Care of Your Unborn Child • From the Book:Please Don’t Smoke in Our House • Lessons to Be Learned from Macfadden’s Death • Helpful Hygienic Hints


12/1974 • Save Your Breasts • Superstitious Practices of a Civilized Society • Curing Cancer • Cancer Research • Dr. Vetrano Made Front Page • Cancer in Women • Sheltrano Hygiene Paradise on the March • Suffering in Cancer • From the Book: Please Don’t Smoke in Our House


1/1975 • Did Fasting Save His Life? • Wake Up & Look Alive • Herbalism • The Event of a Lifetime • From the Book:Please Don’t Smoke in Our House • Your Probing Mind • Eradicating Smallpox


2/1975 • A Nation of Guinea Pigs • The Muss Man Has Made • The Medicine Man • Sheltrano Looks to the Future • Back to the Garden • From the Book:Please Don’t Smoke in Our House • Your Probing Mind


3/1975 • The ABC’s of Toxemia (Part 1) • Don’t Muddy Clear Waters • Wanted: Nerve Energy • Food, Work & Reproduction • Natural Hygiene for All the Family • Your Probing Mind • Truth for Freedom • The Fantasy & The Reality of Dr. Shelton’s Health School


4/1975 • Disease: Its Aims & Ends • ABC’s of Toxemia (Part 2) • A Vital Factor in Health • A Few Important Letters • From the Book: Please Don’t Smoke in Our House


5/1975 • The ABC’s Of Toxemia, (Part 3) • It’s All Been Said Before • The Mind Benders • The Nature of Disease • Fasting & Strength • Your Probing Mind • From the Book:Please Don’t Smoke in Our House • Fasting VS. Starvation


6/1975 • Hygiene of Beauty • “Bugs” in the Digestive Tract • Shetrano Event • Overwhelming Success • California Crisis • Fasting VS. Starvation • From the Book:Please Don’t Smoke in Our House • Dedication


7/1975 • Cancer Research Breaks Down • Hygiene of Beauty • Your Probing Mind • Sunbathing • Dedication of Sheltrano Hygeian Paradise to Herbert M. Shelton • ANHS Program • From the Book: Please Don’t Smoke in Our House


8/1975 • Extra-Alvine Feeding • Living a Hygienic Life • Semantics & Natural Law • What Is “Natural Hygiene”? • Diabetes: Dieting, Drugs & Death • Natural Hygiene Goes to Parliament • Breaking a Fast • The Influence of Hygiene