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AAAAA Hygienic Review Volume 10, 1948 - 1949


VOLUME 10: 9/1948 • Poliomyelitis • Babies Should Not Be Fed Starches • What is a “Poison”? • The Case for Training • What Is the Truth about Sunbathing? • Death of Babe Ruth • The Common Cold (Book Review)


10/1947 • Neurasthenia • Let Us Pool Our Forces • Another Amazing “Discovery” • The Sick Do Recover • Food Adulteration • Confusion Worse Confounded • Naturopathy at the Crossroads • Woman’s Change of Life • Prof. Moon on Vivisection • A Reply


11/1947 • Toxemia • Dr Collins Writes the President • The Rim around the Tub • Compensation in Disease • Health-Freedom • Stressed at Gian-Cursio • Welcome • Hygiene VS. Putrescence as Preventive • Paying Twice – Free Health Service • Naturopathy at the Cross-Roads • Multiple Births


12/1947 • High Blood Pressure • Mind & Its Relation to Health & Disease • Some Early Health Reformers • How Safe is Pasteurized Milk? • Broad Road to Destruction • Learning by Our Mistakes • The Coming Death • Fictional Objections to Fasting • Paying Twice — Free Health Service • The March of Graft


1/1948 • “Now, I Can Smoke!” • Truth • Vanishing Beauty • Truth • Vanishing Beauty • Latin America & Natural Hygiene • The Toxic Factor in Disease • Truth • Vanishing Beauty • A Spring Health Festival • Fallacy of State Medicine • Medical Absurdities about Polio • Saved by the Immunizing Potency of Death • Doping Railroad Workers • Ulcers of the Stomach • Bronchial Asthma


2/1948 • Sinus Inflammation • The Effect of Natural Diet on Metabolism • All Hygienists Must Attend History-making Convention • Your Opportunity to Help • Table Salt Is a Poison • What Becomes of Your Money? • The High Cost of Childbirth • Sylvester Graham • England Abandons Compulsory Vaccination • Organic Drugs Are Harmful • Mixed Plasma & Mixed Minds • X-Ray Examinations More Harmful Than Good


3/1948 • How Much Protein? • How Do Drugs Act? • A New “Cure” for Malaria • Basic Unsoundness of State Medicine • The Case against Vaccination • Program of the Spring Festival • “Miraculous Mud” • 128,000,000 Slaves • John T. Richter Passes • The God of the Day


4/1948 • Preventing Cancer • Relapse, Complications & Sequelae • Triumph of Hell • Homeopathy & Biochemics • Tuberculosis • Program of the Spring Health Festival • Diet & Malnutrition • How Not to Live Longer


5/1948 • The Truth about Fasting • Living Hygienically In an Unhygienic Environment • Psychology & Natural Hygiene • Announcing the First American Vegetarian Convention • Natural Hygiene — A Basis for Social Conduct • Hygiene’s Message to the World • Report of the 1949 Convention of Natural Hygienists • Clear It with the Academy of Medicine • Longevity • Should The Sick Be Tortured?


6/1948 • Vacationing for Health • No Wrong Way to Do Right • Hygiene Consists with Symbiosis • Food & Health • General Introduction • Principles of Natural Hygiene • Why Do Different Actions Follow Different Drugs? • As It Seems to Me • Highlights & Sidelights of the Convention • Intravenous Therapy


7/1948 • Infantile Paralysis • Enemas Are Enemies • How Wrong Was Orthodox Medicine? • Principles of Natural Hygiene • Cigarette Smokers Anonymous • Are Some Prostituting Naturopathy? • Visitors from the Tropics • Homeopathic Ghosts


8/1948 • Tetanus — Lockjaw • Poison Habits — How to Break Them • Can the General Application of Hygienic Principles Elevate America’s Health Standard? • Can Hygiene & Rational Living Eliminate Chronic Disease? • Killing Them to Save Them • Basic Principles of Natural Hygiene — A Book Review • Revival of the Once Despised B.C.G. Vaccine • Nature VS. Drugs • Illegitimate Feeding Practices • Principles of Natural Hygiene • Naturopathy Moves Forward