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Common Health Sense, Volume 3, Issue 2


Dear Health Seeker!

I have found throughout my 30 years at this that the very best way to inform others about a book is to supply — in full — “The Table of Contents.” With The Internet Technology, I can now even supply a first  chapter, as well! Some items, such as brochures, booklets, and even some books at Our Billions Website, however, do not have a “Table of Contents.” Most items at Health4TheBillions will have both the full “Table of Contents” and a first chapter for you to enjoy!

If this “MORE INFO” is not enough on any chosen item, just call me at (360) 853 - 7048 or E-mail me at I do not do long e-mails, however, on questions that involve comprehensive answers. So it is best to call first. 

Blessings! Victoria & The HighJoy Horse!


Click Here For MORE INFO